
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Goodbye Google Reader - Hello Something Better!

Google Reader will be no more on Monday, July 1st.  But...over time, many of us have learned that often change brings opportunity!

OK... so this has been confusing to lots of folks!  First of all, they aren't ending Google Friend Connect so if you have a blog, you will still see all of your followers.  And if you follow blogs (I follow LOTS), you can easily keep following them by just finding a new reader!

I have found two newer, better replacements that will transfer my whole blog list with just a click or two!

I love Feedly!  To check it out, click here or click the icon:

And who doesn't love choices?  You might just love Bloglovin too!  Click here or click the icon:

And just between you and me, I follow my very favorite blogs by email.  I get new posts sent right to me that way and I never miss a beat!  If you think that is helpful, you can find a "Follow By Email" box on my sidebar!  Just enter your email and you will be sent a confirmation.  Click it to prove that you really do want to follow and you are in!

For me, I sometimes find it easier to follow along a favorite blogger when they just happen to be where I am naturally.  If this describes you too, I have links to my Facebook page and Pinterest boards also on my sidebar to the right!

OK- so that's my bloggy PSA!  I know this makes two non-crafty posts in a row!  My apologies!  I plan to fix that this weekend with a little card-making!  Hope to share very soon-- I just didn't want to have a party and no one show up!


  1. thanks for the clarification :-)

  2. I prefer to follow by email also. I found I do not miss anyone's post that way since I know if I opened it that means I read it.
    I do try to "follow" by Google Friend also so the blog owner knows I'm there and it is fun to see your follower numbers go up. lol.
    I wish I could find a way to see who is following my blog by email (and how many).
    I hope people will keep the Google follower option available for those of us with only Google.

  3. I have been following by email too. It's just an easier way for me to try to keep up with my favorite blogs. The problem is, I have way too many favorites and my inbox is jam packed with crafty goodness! Thanks for the feedly link.

  4. Hey D! I posted instructions on how to see your email followers on the MB! Just click the icon under the Google Friends Connect and then click the "learn more" link on the pop up! The number is your number of followers and if you click your blog name from there, you will get all other email stats!

  5. Thank you so much!
    I really appreciate it!!

  6. Hey, Nadia. Just popping in to say hello and follow.


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