I bought a Cricut 3" Vinyl Figure collectible at the Cricut Circle crop in Mason, Ohio just to give away to someone! These are cute little bug characters that come in different colors, but you don't know which color you have until you open the box and then open the special inner bag and look! This one is still sealed to keep the surprise!
Each package contains ONE Cricut Collectible. There are 12 different designs! Which one is in this box is still a surprise! |
Soon, you will be able to buy these little guys on cricut.com but I wanted to share a bit of the fun from the crop and give this away.
All you have to do to get a chance to win is to leave a comment on this post with a way to get in touch with you if you win, and to become a follower of my blog (if you are not already following). Princess Piper will randomly draw a name out of all those who entered and I will post the winner next Saturday, July 30.
I have also donated one of these guys to the on-line swarm on the Circle messageboard that Caroline (Doxieluv) is hosting. If you are a Cricut Circle member, check out her thread there to see how to participate in her event!
Wow - thanks so much for giving the opportunity to win one of these little cuties!!! Also thank you for sharing your photo's of yesterdays event!!! It looks like everyone had fun!!!
I would love to win one of these little guys! I was supposed to be there at the Ohio Meet, but unfortunately a "little something" came up and I had to cancel at the last minute. Congratulations to you, I understand your pennant won!!! It was truly deserving of a prize too. (PS--if you PM me, I'll let you know just what the "little something" is!)
Thanks for helping me have a great time at the meet up. I so want to get more of these little guys!
I would so love to win one of these little critters! I was supposed to go to the Ohio Meet, but unfortunately a "little something" came up and I had to cancel at the last minute!!! By the way, I hear congrats are in order for your prize winning pennant, very well-deserved too I might add! (PS--if you PM me, I'll fill you in on the "little something"!)
I'm glad you posted all the photos of the meet up. I wish I was able to go, but I was not. Thanks for the Chance to win. I have been a follow of your blog for a while. Love your work.
How wonderful!!!! Would love love love to win one of the little guys....or is it girls?
I'm a follower. Thanks for the chance.
I would love to win one of those cute little guys/gals Love you stuff!
you are so sweet to think about us when your at the crops that we all can't go to. I can't wait for these little critters to be avalible...already to hubby that he's putting a little shelf up for all of them :)
I would absolutely love to win one of these little bugs! They are so cute. Thanks so much for the chance to win!! :)
These little guys are sooo cute!!! I'm a follower and love all your cool projects!!!! Great work
Dawn M.
Thanks, Nadia, for a chance to win one of these little cuties! You guys looked like you had a TON of FUN!
Thanks, again
scrapperdee at gmail dot com
Thanks for a chance to win! Very cute.
I probably will never get one from a "swarm" so maybe I can win one of these little guys. Thanks for the chance.
etfamily at wynndel dot ca
How cute I love these little bugs and thank you for the chance to win! I already follow you!
Deb C
Thank you so much for the chance to win and also just subsribed to your blog great site!! Fingers crossed!
I am follower and thank you so much for the chance to win one of these. I would love to bring him/her home here and see what one it is and love it
cre8ncam at gmail. dot com
How sweet of you! I loved looking at you pictures on the MB -- looks like you had a great time. Wish I could have been there.
carolyn in nebraska
qwltnsemmom at yahoo dot com
I would love to win one of those little bugs. Thanks for such a great giveaway.
leirad at forbesenvironmental dot com
Nadia you are always so thoughtful. Great coverage of the meet it was so much fun. I bought a little bug so would rather not be in the drawing let someone who wasn't there win. Thanks for the twine and I feel so honored to have a little piece of your art work (magnet) it's fantastic.
Oh Nadia you are the best!!!!! thank you for offering one of these to us.
Caroline (Doxieluv01)
Thanks for the chance to win and for all the crop updates!
Fun! Thanks for the chance to win--whish I could have been there yesterday!!
Thanks for sharing :)
Wow! This is a great giveaway. My daughter would love this. Thanks for the chance to win.
That is awesome, and my husband wonders why I want to go to all the meet ups :)
Way too cute! I love the opportunity to get to win this. Thanks for the chance. I have been a follower for a while, love your work.
Jana Bailey@wtconnect.com
Sounds like you had a nice time! Thanks for sharing a little bit of your event.
Nadia you never cease to amaze me with your awesome craftiness and your generosity. I so wish I could have been there with my circle sisters but with all you have shared I feel like a little part of me was. Thanks for the opportunity!!
Jenny Kozar
jlkozar AT comcast DOT net
These are the cutest little guys! I just love yout projects and all of the details are amazing!
Creative Hugs
Wow, how nice of you to do this. I would just love to win this :) as I am sure many others :)
Again thanks for doing this
OMG, that is just waaaaay too cool and so generous of you to share one of these li'l gems w/ one of us! :-)
I hope sweet Piper picks me! I would sooooo love to win one of these. Thanks so much for the chance!! :-)
BTW, I'm a long-time follower!
It was so great to see you at the Ohio Meetup. I had such a good time and want to collect these to trade when I go to my next one. Thanks for your generosity. And, congratulations on your banner. Like all your projects it was AMAZING!
How super kind of you! Could you please have Princess Piper wave her magical wand and magically draw the name Jami Larson out of the hat? Just kidding, I suppose we better keep it fair. Thanks for giving away such a fun treat.
Jami Larson
Thanks for the chance Nadia and Princess Piper!
Diane (MyTimeToCraft)
How sweet of you to allow us to win one of these cuties! Thank you so much.
So sweet of you to offer us one of these cute collectibles! Ok Piper, I'm counting on you sweetie!
Patty aka SouthernGypsy
I would love to win one of these, they are so cute. thanks for the chance :)
chrisandstef at sympatico dot ca
I love to look at all the creative crafts you pop out. Congrat on you pennant win!
Wow, this is very generous of you!!!
tuki123 at att dot net
Oh Nadia, You're the best!! How generous of you to offer one of these to us-many thanks kind lady!! =)
You're so sweet to donate one to the online swap and one on here. How fun! :) I love all the intricate projects you have Nadia!
Thank you for always sharing with everyone!
Such a fun giveaway...those lil guys are so stinkin cute! Thanks for the chance to win!
Amanda (als1048@gmail.com)
Would love to win this.. thanks for the opportunity!
What a wonderful thing to do! A big thanks to you! Wish I could have been there!
How very sweet of you! I'd love to win one of these, my 7yr old and I have both been wishing they would go on sale!
How sweet of you Nadia ... thanks for the chance to win!!
Jo xx
Would love one! Thanks for the opportunity!
How sweet you are to do this.. I have been wanting to own one of these little guys since I seen them on the video for the E2..
Thanks for the chance.. heatherflaherty@hotmail.com
Looks like you all had tons of fun! I saw my banner. whited I could have flown to ohio for it. These critters are adorable! WOuld love to win! You do fabulous work! All the details you pun into things! WOW
Nadia was so wonderful seeing you again!! Sorry we didnt get to visit more! Maybe we can do another one again.... SOON!!
Debbie Head aka Scrapheap
Thanks for a chance to win the little guy!
cd m3 17at y*a*hoo :)
It was a pleasure to briefly get to meet you in Ohio. You are so talented and full of wonderful ideas. Thanks for always sharing.
Terri_ski at yahoo dot com
This just looks like a box of fun! I hope I win!!!
thank you for your generosity! I'd love one of those little guys!!
I am now following your blog. I have had it saved to my favorites for awhile. You have some wonderful info on your blog. Thanks.
Thank for you for the opportunity to win a collectible. I tried to put a dolphin pic on the pictures for following for Piper but they were all too big.
That is so nice of you, love your blog. Thanks for being so generous. honeybee88@suddenlink.net
I would love to win one of these lil guys! Thanks!
Deb, qoq_1athotmaildotcom
I am a follower - thanks for this giveaway! I heard you asking questions on the live feed from Ohio - they were good ones!
Karen L 1020 at gmail dot com
These are just too cute! It sounds as if you had a great time, wish I had been there!
OH! OH! OH! These little guys are so adorable, and I have the perfect place to put him/her. Thanks so much for a chance to win one and spread the fun!!
Craftin My HeART Out!
Thanks for the chance to win! They look so adorable! Love your Blog!
Happy Crafting!
This little guys are cute.Thanks for giving us a chance to win one.
Love your blog and thanks for the opportunity to win one of these.
Thanks for a chance to win. Those little guys are cute! Congratulations on your winning banner. It is amazing!
nkdwtm at aol dot com
Thank you, Nadia. Your generosity is appreciated by all of us. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to win one of the little guys.
HI Thank you for shareing with us. And for the chance to win the cricut figurene.
LindaB top2kop@hotmail.com
Thank you Nadia for you fabulous play by play reporting and taking such good care of my Cricut friend GrannyAnne. I coaxed her into going and she had a great time. I know you were a big part of it. Love those cute little collectibles. So nice of you to have a giveaway.
~in friendship,
These little bugs are so adorable!
I would love to win one. Thanks for the give away
Wow - what a sweet thing for you to do. I loved seeing the pics of the crop you posted on the Circle MB. Thanks for the chance to win!
Jess (aka Sparksgal)
It was wonderful to get the opportunity to put the name with the face in Mason and to meet you!
Rebecca (aka live2clickpics)
WOW...I would love to win one of those little cuties...Thanks for the opportunity :)
You are so kind for giving us a chance to win one of these cute little guys!! I soo want a green one, lol!! Thank you for the chance to win one!!
brz352 at yahoo dot com
I would love to win one these cute collectibles, thanks for the chance.
Loved looking at all your pictures from the Ohio crop, looks like you all had a wonderful time.
I would love to win one of those babies.How sweet of you thank you for the chance.
mreyes2710 at gmail dot com
thanks for a chance to enter soo cool
What a fun giveaway, thanks for the chance to win!
scrappindhilly at gmail dot com
I'd love to win one of these. DD and I have been anxiously awaiting their arrival on Cricut.com.
garagesaler81 at yahoo.com
Oh you are too kind and super talented, love your work. Thanks so much for the chance to win this cute cricut.
Thank you Nadia for doing this for the circlets. We really do appreciate
all that you share. Good Luck Everyone!
Love Angie V.
I love your work!
Thank you so much for doing this for us!!! And thank you for sharing in on the fun at the cha!!! Also would love to win one of these too...Jackie
Thanks for the chance to win one of these little cuties! I just love 'em. I am a new follower of your blog.
Thanks for the chance to win of these cuties. They look so cute! Good luck to everyone.
OMG, These little guys look so cute!! Thanks for sharing all the pictures and the opp. to win one of the little cricuts!!!
cricutdiaries at yahoo dot com
OMG...that's awesome...you are not only talented but so generous...Thanks for the chance...I would love to have one of those adorable cricratures!!!
Very cool giveaway! I would love to see what color is inside ;)
Emily (coolcricutcreations at yahoo dot com)
This is so nice of you! Thanks for the chance to win.
Maria (Marcjo)
I would love to get my hands on another one of these...pick me, pick me your Yudu pal...lol
How fun and thoughtful of you to give one of these cute little guys away!
Thank you for thinking of us!
Michele in Il.
These sure are cute, I bet they will go fast when they put them up for sale! So sweet of you to share the excitement with us! Sounds like everyone had a great time!
Thanks for the chance to win a little Cricut and congrats on your banner!
I am a follower.
Sassyscraps 1@yahoo.com
How thoughtful of you, Nadia! I would love to win one of these little guys! Keeping my fingers crossed!
Hi, Nadia! I've been following you for many a moon, loving your creativity, and NOW I THANK you for this wonderful opportunity. It was hard to see them, but now to have an opportunity to perhaps win! WOW!!!
Many thanks!
Wow! you are so thoughtful! Saw your pics on the MB! looks like y'all had an awesome time! Maybe I'll get to go one of these days! and congrats on the banner! It was awesome as well!
How CUTE!!! Thanks for giving one away to share with us! -Sam :-)
SamanthaJDesigns @ hotmail.com
Thank you so much for the chance...I'm a new follower.
shel704 at aol dot com
You must have some kind of superhumon power to not rip open those surprises! I'm a follower & love your blog, thanks for the chance to win!
I love all the details that you use in your creations.
Thanks for the giveaway.
depm07 at gmail dot com
That's so very generous of you Nadia! I wish I could have been at the Ohio Meet Up, maybe next time. Thanks for the chance to win!
I'm a new follower. Thanks for the chance to win!
HOW CUTE! These are like the Vinylmation that Disney sells. They too are sealed, so it's a surprise when you open it. When I went to Disney World this past February, 3 of the people in my group got so into it. My cousin and I didn't. Now I'm really SO SO SO glad that I didn't because I would much rather have a little Cricut! So adorable!
Thank you so much for this chance! I'm already a follower of your blog. raecholor@gmail.com / loveandsushi.blogspot.com
Your so sweet to give one of these away.
jennykingham at att dot net
Would love to give one of those little guys a home. Thanks for the chance Nadia!!!! Glad everyone had an awesome time in OHio and made it home safe and sound, Linda Harris Lsunflower58@aol.com
How sweet of you!! I was hoping that they would send them to all that participated in the pennant contest but I am sure that won't happen! Thanks for the opportunity to win one!!
Nadia-It was very nice to meet you on Friday. Conratulations on your winning pennant. The detail on it was wonderful and i love what you did with the rock princesses layouts. Your work is inspiring. Thanks, Erika
WOW How sweet of you to give this away, thanks for the chance as i wasnt able to go to Ohio for theis event!!!!!! I am a circle member and i do appreciate this so very much!!!! ...Suni Brandt
These are the cutest things I've seen! I would love to win these. I would be soooooooo excited. I just love all the Cricut collectibles.
Man I wish I could have gone. These guys are so cute, I can't wait till they put them on the store. Thanks your so sweet to do this.
OMG! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win one of these little guys! thanks so much for the chance to win.
Circle member (the Soaplady)
you can reach me at mysoaplady@cox.net
Wow what a cute little thing I would love to win its very nice of you o do a give away
OMG! This is really cool, I had no idea they had these. Kinda like the Disney vynalmations. Very awesome of you. I am a new subbie. Thanks for the Chance.
This is so sweet of you to do this for us. I promise if I win I will give the little guy a place of honor and most likely get him a slew of brothers and sisters too :)
Wow I saw a thing about these a while ago, I wish I could have gone to the crop.... It's so nice of you to give one away...
Brooke D....
This is a real treat. Thanks to you and Piper! I am a Circle member.
That is really sweet of you to give your new little friend away! I would have had to peek...if only I had your willpower! Thanks for the chance to win.
Great give away-would love to win.love your work thanks millierose651@aol.com
Thanks for the chance to win this. Good luck to all!
That is so nice of you. I love your work. Your pennant was awesome. The little bugs are adorable.
these are so cute! how sweet of you to give one away.
Awesome, thank you for the giveaway!! I would love to win. :) Natalie, bearcatnat(at)hotmail(dot)com
what a cute give away. Would love to win it. :)
baby.cowgirl88 at yahoo dot com
Thank you so much for offering us an adorable cricut collectible! I so badly wanted to go to that crop, but next year I will for sure! Carrie
What a nice thing to do.. I would love (like everyone) to win this.. I wish I could have gone to your crop.. but CA is a bit too far. :(
OMG!! So darn cute!! Would love to have that little guy in my craft room!! I am your newest follower!! Thnx for the opportunity to win!!:) www.countrycricut.blogspot.com
So glad I found your blog thru the Cricut Circle. Love everything I've seen so far. Thanks for the chance to win.
papermemories4u@ yahoo.com
Wow! Thanks for an opportunity to win - everyone is going to want one! They are just so adorable.
Your blog is fantastic. Not sure I would have enough patience or skill to pull off all of the details you put into everything. Thanks for the inspiration!
Those are so cute! Can't wait till they are available to all. ~kris
Thanks for the giveaway!!! Now a follower :)
tara_moo at yahoo dot com
These little guys are so cute. I bet you had a great time. I thought I was following already, but I guess I am now. thanks for the chance.
I am a follower. I would love to win one of these little guys. I'm obsessed with anything Cricut. I hope I'm lucky this time.
ooh...i'd love to win a little vinyl bug!!!!thank you for the opportunity!! you must have alot more willpower than me!! i would have ripped it open to see the colour!!!
Love your vignettes! Am now a new follower. Found you through the cricut blog. Hope you stop by mine sometime.
What a fun giveaway! These little guys are sooooo cute! Thanks for this chance!
Thanks so much for the chance to win, these little guys are awesome!
ldward@shaw dot ca
Thanks so much for the chance to win, these little guys are wonderful!
ldward@shaw dot ca
I am a new folloer and would love to win one of this adorable collectible figures.
motherloves3 at hotmail dot com
OMGoodness, these are so adorable! I heard they would be coming soon ... but I haven't actually seen one yet. I love the idea of the mystery in the box!
Thanx for the Chance to Win!
How adorable is he...glad to hear you had a great time and thanks for being so generous
I just love these guys. They are so cute.
christ_sheep at yahoo dot com
I did a Google search for these little Cricut figures and found your blog. It is fantastic! I have become an email follower, and hope that I am the winner of this prize. He is soooooooo cute. I am so happy that he led me to your blog, and even if I don't win him, I am still a winner because I found you.
Thanks for the chance to win one of the little cricuts! Love your blog!
How adorable! I just told someone on a mb thread that I don't 'collect' anymore. Now these little guys may change all of that. Thanks for a chance to win.
Wow. I love a surprise. These little guys look so cute. Thanks for the chance to win. I am now an email follower looking forward to your emails already.
Thanks for the chance to win such a fun prize! It would look so cute in my scrap corner!
karenskapin at yahoo dot com
Thanks Nadia! These little guys are so cute, we saw them at the Cricut Stampede in March and was told they would be coming. I love your blog, just subscribed.
LizW in TX
awest 424 at att dot net
Thanks for the chance to win. They look sooo cute!!
uofkgirl at gmail dot com
These little guys are adorable. Thanks for having this giveaway.
tracy (underscore)richball at msn dot com
Wow... we have been watching for those since the swarm in Texas... thanks for the chance to win one of the little guys... that is soooooo very kind of you!
These are sooo totally sweet! Can't wait to decorate my room with them :)
I would love to get my hands on one of these little dudes!! What a cool idea. shaniecooper@homesc.com
Sadly I did not get to attend this event, but would love to win the little guy in that box you are holding.
RockinRobin1 on CMB
These are the cutest,I need one to keep my plushy in line too.Thanks for the opp to win one. flick_monica@yahoo.com
Thanks for a chance to win...and such willpower you have!!
ChunkyMonkey on Cricut Board
I would love to win this. I love following you on your blog. Thanks for the opportunity to win this. Melisa
What a wonderful giveaway and surprise!! Thanks for the chance. New follower here too.
These are the cutest little guys! I love this idea and I love your blog. Thank you for the chance to win!
Crafty hugs,
I must confess I've not seen your blog before now. It's great! I love your attention to detail and the giveaway is a sweet thing to do. What cute little guys!
i love these little guys!! they remind me of the vinyl characters that u can collect from diseny world!! toooo cute!! thanks for the chance.
if im picked just message me on the circle board!! Craftymomma
having problems with my email being hacked a ton so dont want to post it here.
Thank you for the giveaway! That is so nice of you!
Thank you, Nadia! I just became a follower. I had a chance to look around today and am very impressed with your creations.
soo cool! I was so sad I had to miss the crop...this would be awesome to win!
Oh my gosh! I just saw your Keith in a pickle e-mail and I laughed sooo hard. I love this idea. I'm still chuckling as I write this. This made my day. Thanks so much!
HAH! Did you really think I'd pass up a chance to win one of these guys????! No way!! I've got my fingers crossed...& some delicious PB fudge for whoever picks my name to win ; ) !!!!
PS: You can get in touch with me on the mb ; ) !!!
These little guys are so cute! I'd love to win one. Thanks so much! I'm now a follower!
blue.tacs at yahoo dot com
Wow! your creations are amazing! I bookmarked your blog and became a follower. If i win one of those cuties i can be reached at eyeboop2000@aol.com
Thanks so much,
So awesome of you to do this. I met you at the crop but alas on collectible for me as I used the money for a plushie instead.
Thanks for the chance to win one of the little guys. I really love all your projects that you do.
Thanks again
I love your "Keith in a Pickle" and am waiting for the outcome.
Thanks for the chance to win the collectible.
Thanks for the chance to win that little Cutie Pie.
Just way too sweet of you!
From your #1 scraplifter
You are so thoughtful and generous Nadia! Thank you so much for the chance to win one of these adorable little guys... I would be thrilled to win! :)
Those are cute little things! Would love to have one!
Thanks for the chance to win one :D. Thanks too for keeping us posted about the bits you were allowed to talk about!!
WOW I am so glad I found you and added you to my reader :) thanks for the chance to win! I love todays PICKLE!!! rofl
I love this little guys! Thank you for this giveaway!
I love your blog name! So cute!!
They are so cutel thank you for giving some one a chance to win. dianadglss@aol.com
That is really generous of you. Thanks for the chance to win. I just became a follower. Your creations rock!!!
Pick Me! Pick Me!! I so want one of these. This is so very generous of you, thanks so much.
These are the cutiest little things. I wish I could be the one to win. Thanks for the chance. It is very nice that you are willing to share.
I didn't get to go that Friday but did get to go to the crop of Thurssday and met alot of nice people!!!!
Oh Nadia! You are so thoughtful. Always thinking ahead. What a cute idea for a giveaway. *smile* Thanks for this opportunity!
Wish I could have attended - what a great way for you to share! Thanks for the chance to win. (email is in my profile)
I'm now following you.... please enter me in your contest 'cause I LOVE everything Cricut.... would love to have one of those little guys
OK! It is July 30. No more entries past this point please as I print them off for the drawing! Best wishes everyone! I have to tend to the Princess!
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